

Rates for Assessments and Tools


Live Portfolio
Actual Reports
For Graduate Students





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Sample Assessment Questions

All the Online Assessments and Tools are designed to be easy for all to answer. The main reason to these questions is to get a better understanding as to who may or may not be interviewing with you.

These assessments can be a tool that can provide you the needed insight into the applicant to determine if he/she is the right person for an interview.


Below are sample questions as to what an assessment would appear to the job applicant.


Check only ONE that best answers the question:

1. Some of my supervisors had it in for me.

_ Strongly Agree
_ Agree
_ Uncertain
_ Disagree
_ Strongly Disagree

2. If another employee is stealing, it’s the company’s problem and not any of my business.

_ Strongly Agree
_ Agree
_ Uncertain
_ Disagree
_ Strongly Disagree

3. Most people’s success depends more on luck than on their own skills.

_ Strongly Agree
_ Agree
_ Uncertain
_ Disagree
_ Strongly Disagree


4. Sometimes a person has to cheat to make it in our society.

_ Strongly Agree
_ Agree
_ Uncertain
_ Disagree
_ Strongly Disagree


5. It would bother me to work with someone I knew was stealing from the company.

_ Strongly Agree
_ Agree
_ Uncertain
_ Disagree
_ Strongly Disagree

These are just a few sample questions that would be on an assessment. Most job applicants would complete 2 or 3 assessments in <35 minutes.

From these questions, assessment reports are generated and sent to the interviewee/org BEFORE any interview occurs.

A few sample reports are provided at:

Sample Reports


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