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Scenario: MANY People Don't Tell Total Truth!

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Credentials Portfolio

You May Ask, “What is a Credentials Portfolio?”

Just what it sounds like. It is a conglomeration of the types of tasks that the person has performed in their career.

Receiving resume’ after resume'!

Interview after Interview!

Only problem is, once a selected person is hired, many times it becomes quickly noticeable that they really do not know how to perform that task/job, as previously stated in the interview process.

Problem is,

• Everyone must sound positive on the resume’ and interview to get the job.

• It is easy to write and say that you know or can do a certain task or job.

Companies/organizations spend > $4000 / person hiring and then firing a bad person for a particular job (not including wasted time, money and resources).

There has to be a more reliable method of selecting the right person for the job.

With a Credentials Portfolio, companies/orgs can actually see, not just hear and read that the selected is the right person for the job.

• Also to ensure that their previous management trusted them to provide the best product for the company/org.

• After all, if their previous management trusted them and their final product/s……… then you should be capable of trusting them also!

Assuming the resume' sent in is 100% accurate. Most resume's are 1 - 3 pages in length. It is impossible to place a persons full credentials on a resume'. An interviewer needs that information so they can make a more informative decision.

In an interview, you can hear more about a person and there accomplishments and personality but even then, you do not get the opportunity to see their credentials in front of you. You need something that provides that information.

A Credentials Portfolio provides you that needed information.

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Dr. Joel Salazar, M.D. - "we maximized our potential in finding the right person for the job! If we are going to invest 50-60K/year in an individual, then I want to make sure I'm paying the right person! A Credentials Portfolio will do just that."


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