Credentials Portfolio for Rene (Robert) Salazar
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Credentials related to the resume’
Credentials for Rene Salazar
9107 Marbach Rd • Suite 202
Phone 210.679.6689 • Fax 210.679.6696
Most Importantly!!!
Focus on the LEVEL of COMPLEXITY of each effort performed.
Not whether that particular task he performed will ever be implemented in your organization.
Remember, each Organization has different job requirements.
Say to Yourself,
If his previous organizations & peers trusted him to handle those complex tasks & efforts (as shown below) to provide exceptional results,
then, he can certainly learn to perform our job/tasks and perform with outstanding results!
This information only ~65% of the tasks and capabilities (others not shown in portfolio) of Mr. Rene Salazar. This provides a high-level view of some of his accomplishments.
Mr. Rene Salazar
A Face to a Name!
Business/Management Experience:
Government Experience:
Accounting Experience (Budgeted, Forecasted & Reported using A/R, A/P, General Ldr, Job Cost Accntg and so on)
Corporate Management Experience
Business Management Experience
Management of Professionals.
Sales Experience of large items.
Public Speaking & Customer Communications Experience
Worked as an employee and as a business in industry in the following areas:
Government - Both Internal (civil service), internal support contractor and defense development contractor.
Industry - Large Companies, Small Companies & Non-Profits Organizations
Knows how they both operate above internally (as an employee) and externally (as a business/contractor).
WORK RELATED EXPERIENCE: Worked in various full-time positions throughout the years. For > 16 years, I always worked in a part-time position. This part-time job was to prepare for this and many other businesses for the future.
Only key committee member selected from Brooks AFB (Human Systems were the bases primary focus. OSA wanted my participation and involvement and paid for my entire attendance) that worked from Start to Completion (1 wk out of every month of 1 yr.) on the OPEN SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS that became a directive for the Air Force, Army and Navy. It is used for design, development and acquisitions in all new projects. OSA paid for all TDYs, travel expenses and every other amenities that came with being on the project.
for a year with high-level individuals (in Army, Navy and Air Force) to create
an Open Systems Architecture similar to desktop network and computer systems
but in the Embedded world (i.e. aircraft, tanks, missiles and many other areas)
Our final product was taken to the Pentagon and briefed to the congressional
staff. Here is a view of this briefing: Open Systems
Architecture for Embedded Systems Briefing
This is the schedule of the project.
Strategic Planning Experience - Cost, resources needed, implementation of the
hardware and software needed, office location and storage were some of the other
issue that were covered in the total implementation. Selected operating systems
based on various non-biased reports.
Managed multiple projects for Lucent
Technologies, Inc. and Brooke Army Medical Center called the
Appointment Patient Automated Access System
(APAAS) system and the
with Touch
screen technology as shown in the image. Both these projects met schedule
and budget for the government.
Wrote, submitted, discussed and covered all areas of an ADA Exception for the Maintenance Skills Tutor (MST) Project. The ADA Exception was approved from HQ in Dayton Ohio. The MST project fell within the Electronics Data Processing (EDP) processes and procedures which required ADA. Due to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and advanced multimedia, the MST project could not use standard ADA technology at that time. The ADA exception allowed us to use Object-Oriented Languages such as Smalltalk, C++ and many advanced multimedia languages and tools to design, develop and deliver an MST. After 7 months of continuous discussions, the ADA exception was 1 of only 3 projects in the Department of Defense at that time that had been approved for worldwide implementation. Received the credit for the approval from Brooks AFB.
HSC-Brooks AFB Project Manager/Director, Dr. Jeffrey Kantor, stated he would represent me for my Ph.D. at St. Mary's University. I graciously denied my Ph.D. and did not want to pursue it at that time. Either he believed in my abilities as a professional and continued trying to persuade me to change my mind and become a Ph.D.
He took various steps such as:
Selected me as the prime person (out of 40 employees) to brief the Commander for approval of the Maintenance Skills Tutor (MST)/multi-million dollar project for HSC/YA. - Project had been approved the first time (never been done before) in the history of Brooks AFB. Excited to be one of the team members that persuaded the Commander of our current and future accomplishments.
Dr. Kantor requested my attendance at a "PhD-Only" meeting of over 30 PhD's throughout Brooks AFB. I attended this meeting and participated with other PhD's throughout Brooks AFB.
Selected me as the Civilian-Side Team Leader (also a Military-only leader, Maj. Sikes) for the Restructuring of Human Systems Division, Systems Program Office of over 330 employees.
designed and implemented a
Full Restructure
and movement of over 330 employees within a Directorate. Managed and Directorate
10 of the top employees in each branch at Human Systems Center (HSC) for
3 months. Each team member/employees was very outspoken, opinionated
and direct. This is what made management sometimes difficult yet very successful.
Project had been in operation for over 3 months until complete.
Dr. Kantor requested my participation (as a co-author) in the write-up of a Professional Paper for Publication of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) using Artificial Intelligence (AI), Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), video, audio and advanced Multimedia processes. Accepted and participated the publication shown below:
Professional Paper: Development and Fielding of Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Aircraft Technicians,
Co-authors: Dr. Jeffrey E. Kantor, Rene Salazar, Dr. Gail Tomiak, Dr. Kevin Richardson, and Dr. Sherrie Gott, 12 Jan 94. Published in the American Educational Journal in Mar 1994.
Approved Training Course - Held and taught a full day hands-on training course
at Eglin Air Force Base. This training involved instructions, course curriculum,
and all areas normal training courses perform for a day. This also included
hand-outs, a full-day of lectures, directions, guidance, hands-out curriculum
and examples created for the course. Here is view of my lecture and documentation.
Lecture slides are: Hands-On
Acrobat V5.0 Training Seminar
Govt. Approved Training Course - Created and lectured a 1 week course on Advanced Microprocessor Hardware & Software Design & Development Course. Course approved by government to train strictly engineers requiring hands-on training. Course held in Training Bldg. 210 @ Kelly AFB.
As President of Digital
Signatures and eForm company, have performed this function for Kelly AFB, Neighborhood
Reinvestment Corp (Out-sourced Company for HUD in Washington DC) and many other
organizations. To see the Electronic Brochure, Select the following:
Converted three (3) different companies from a standard paper-based operation
to an on-line (computer) based operation using eForms in areas of accounting,
human resources, budgeting, project management and execution, standard secretarial
operations and other areas to name a few. Took approximately 40% of the
standard forms on paper used for each corporation, converted them into eForms.
Create the other percentage into eForms. Here is an example of these forms and
can be used on the Internet if needed.
eForm Examples. (Select
to view various eForms)
Tri-Service Open System Architecture for Embedded Systems - Key player in the design and development of the DoD policies/directives to be implemented throughout Army, Air Force and Navy. These policies/directives directed Air Force, Army and Navy to begin acquisitions and procurements with the focus of applying Open Systems Designs for future growth and expansions. Basically eliminate all Closed/Proprietary systems within new designs and developments.
Risk Management Process & Procedures
- Key
player in the design and development of Air Force Risk Management Policy to
be implemented throughout Air Force with over 3 million employees required to
use it within their areas. Requested an interview for the Brooks AFB Magazine
to discuss what led up to being an Air Force authority for Risk Management
Processes for the Air Force. Paid to go to various sites
around the US to brief Generals in the implementation of Risk Management Processes
within their bases.
Major Skills, Accomplishments and Awards
for TRW, Inc.
Provided the
customer 5
briefings that
management the
tools to
offices within
TRW, Inc.
Given the
Program Manager
of the Year
Award at Brooks
had been at
Brooks AFB for
only 2, ½ years
and received
the award.
Some PM’s had
been there over
7 years without
any awards or
Brooks AFB
Human Systems
Award (Top
Award Year:
Given a
Monetary Award
the Directorate
within Kelly
Department of
Air Force
Award -
Cash Award -
March 19, 1990
Recommended and implemented a
totally paperless Local Area Network (LAN)
for use with the Automatic Test Systems Division. System development
costs were approximately > $1.45 M.
Six (6) Excellent Rating Performance Awards - Cash Award Avg. - $500 - $800
developed and
configured an
that interfaced
multiple large
within the Air
This was used
throughout the
Managed, directed a multi-million development effort called the Maintenance Skills Tutor Program.
Some of the documentation produced on the project were very long and extensive.
Some were reduced in size to speed up downloading. All these documents were
produced for a government acquisition program called the
Maintenance Skills Tutor
Certifications, Related Training & Formal Degrees
Acquisition Professional
- Buy, manage and/or control Multi-million dollar efforts/projects.
Government-Approved LEVEL
III Certified Acquisition Professional,
Planning, Research, Development and Engineering, (Highest Approval
Level available), approval date on 11 Feb 94. Used for Major Planning
of Resources, Equipment, Projects and Funding for both Projects and Organizations.
- Certification Transcript ID#:3249668
St. Mary's University, 2002, Two semesters left to complete.
DeVry University (formerly known as DeVry Institute), Dallas/Irving Texas, Major: Electronics Engineering, Minor: Computers Engineering.
Completed bachelor's degree in 3 yrs vs. their standard 4 yrs.
Associates of
Science in
Honoree Awards.
(Click to see references)