Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) General Questions
Credentials Portfolio Questions
Personal Assessment (and additional assessments) Questions
Q. This website seems to focus more on people without degrees to succeed. Is this true? A. No, not at all. This is a website that truly believes that having and not having a degree (or degrees) does not affect ones abilities to perform in business! Degrees show only that they have obtained certain credentials as part of their arsenal for getting a job or they can do the job they were specifically trained to do. We have seen from both degreed and non-degreed individuals the following:
Everyone has seen this at work and in their personal life. Having a degree or not does not make the individual at all, only that they have a degree. It is their abilities at work, what level of management/individuals at their org trust what they deliver (and will actually trust and use it) and many other areas of work. Sometimes even the best employees are "kept in the shadows" just because someone in management thinks they can be out shined by that individual. It does not matter whether or not having a degree will be a factor unless you are doing a job that requires it such as a Lawyer or Accountant (and others). I have seen that management uses the requirement of having a degree ONLY as a hurdle to justify their own decisions. There are individuals at work today that are in major positions yet do not have a degree or have a degree that is in no way related to what they are doing. A resume' does not give individuals that opportunity to show what they can do, only the titles and degrees they have (basically). In an interview, words can be used incorrectly. Every business needs to be shown that they can do what they say they can do. The Credential Portfolio does nothing more than SHOW what tasks a person has done in their career and what level of responsibility they can handle for you. Whether it is a person with degrees or not, everyone should have an opportunity to SHOW what level of responsibility and capabilities they can provide to the employers.
Q. Is there a difference between what hiring employers are looking for versus what job applicants are providing? A. Yes. Hiring employers need two (2) additional items (beyond the resume' and interview) in order to make a more informative decision on hiring an individual. In past years, résumé’s and interviews have been the best products used to hire an individual. That was the best that could be offered. Hear a little about the person and then experience their personality firsthand. Now with the Internet, more information from the users can be provided than ever before. The use of the Internet is now imperative in order to make quality decisions on a person.
Not only a resume' and interview is required of each individual job applicant but now a Credentials Portfolio should be accessible by the employer if needed. Hiring employers can also review online assessment tools (that are approximated 10 - 20 minutes of a job applicant’s time) to get a better reading of the person’s job ethics and personality in less than 3 - 5 minutes. That will also provide the added information available to make a better selection for the job.
A. Both the Assessments (you as the employer provides) and the Credentials Portfolio (the job applicant provides) are tools that should be used to adequately assess if a person is the right person for the job. Here is a Pictorial Diagram of when these tools come into the hiring process: Pictorial View of Hiring Process
Q. What are the differences between a Credentials Portfolio and a Personal Assessment? A. The Credentials Portfolio provides the employer what task that job applicant has performed. The resume' only provides you a very small glimpse of that persons abilities and knowledge. In there resume' they also state that they have or know that certain capability on paper. Employers can see some of the job applicants final products for there own eyes. Personal Assessments are given to possible hiring candidates from the hiring employer. The hiring employer requests that even before an interview is scheduled,the results from the personal assessment must be reviewed. When it comes to an Interview, any job applicant can say just about anything when it comes to meeting the job requirements and needs. When they get the job, they can start to learn the requirement.
A. At this present time, almost all businesses have a resume', application and an interviewing process to use for hiring purposes. The benefit of having a Credentials Portfolio is to hear and actually see more about the subjects level or responsibility performed and that management entrusted to perform. It is the persons maturity level that is the question. Every job requires different types of tasks and issues that prove more about them and there abilities. The Credential Portfolio focuses on the maturity! The Credentials Portfolio (CP) shows you about there capabilities, what they have done before, what they have learned and applied and the level of responsibilities they attained within there career. There resume’ only provides you a glimpse of their formal background, job titles and descriptions. In an interview, if the job applicant does not know how to sell themselves, you may never hear about this area. The CP provides you more of that information. An assessment provides you a further glimpse of their true personality. Many times it takes months just to see who they really are and there job ethics. An assessment provides you that needed information before hiring that job applicant. The Assessments are carefully worded to gather certain information that can help you in selecting the right person for the job. Things like:
Q. Where does the CP and Assessments reside and can we use them? A. Once the CP is completed and authenticated by the job applicant, our organization will host it on our Internet servers. Assessments can be housed on our servers based on the party that paid the development costs requirement. Once either of these documents are on the Internet, you can link to it on your resume'. We will provide you the link address information for your resume'.
A. Not to sound negative but this is a very true issue. Many hiring professionals will tell you this issue. The Credentials Portfolio (CP) and assessments will help eliminate or at least reduce this issue to a more truthful and manageable job selection criteria.
A. For the Credentials Portfolio, the job applicant will place a link on there own resume’ where the employer can go to for viewing. We will host your Credentials Portfolio on our servers and provide you a link address to place on your resume' for others to view. The personal assessments are sent directly to the company without requiring us to host any documents or files.
A. The job applicant is allowed to review it before he/she places in as a link from there resume’. From that point, they no longer have access to make changes unless it is a cosmetic change (i.e. address, references and other non-trivial changes/modifications). The employers are only allowed to view the Credential Portfolio (CP) and cannot download or print any of it for security reasons. The employer must view the CP and attachments from the Internet at all times.
A. Yes. The CP and assessments are both online as part of their resume’. Although they can be seen, they cannot be modified in any way, shape or form.
A. No. Both these documents have been locked from being downloaded. All the images contained within the Credentials Portfolio have been locked from downloads. If for any reason they find any way of downloading any image off the CP, there almost every image is required to be Digitally Signed (Law Approved Signature similar to hand-written signatures) the the person with the CP authenticating and approving each credential is authentic and applicable to that person and no one else.
A. The CP and assessments provide attachments that cannot be downloaded. In order to ensure the security of the CP and assessments are in no way affected or tainted, to protect you and also the job applicants, these documents cannot be downloaded or printed. The CP owner can provide certain applicable data/images if requested.
Q. Based on your testing, you allude to the fact that there are certain individuals that are not really that well qualified as they should be for a certain job. Should we really be concerned? A. YES! We see two big problems in industry today.
We have hired individuals with exceptional degrees from great universities. When it comes to them being open and direct, they tend to be less talkative and somewhat less confrontational when really needed. Here is a TRUE instance of a client we have worked with from Lawrence Livermore Laboratories in California. When asked if they hire employees with straight A's from a reputable university, they said "NO" due to a lesson they learned. Here is what they stated,"When it comes to hiring a person with such high grade, those individuals tend to be not as open and social to customers and employees. They are basically employees we want to place in a closet and open only when needed but rarely allow them to interface with others in the organization. What we want are employees that we know will work great with the others on the team and the same time be fairly competent in their performance. We have seen from experience that these are individuals that are not the straight A students but the students that did not make perfect grades in college. They tend to be more well-rounded for a large business environment!"
Q. I always believed in "Less is More!" Why should I also give the employer more information about me when all I want is an interview to give up into their office and really sell myself? A. When it comes to a resume', "Less is More!" Resume's tell about the persons' awards, degrees, jobs you held and other areas. In an interview, you may be a fantastic about selling yourself or you may be good at writing and not good at selling yourself. Either way, it does not truly state about the type of performance you provide, just that you are a good sells man. You verbally state your capabilities and talk about who you are and what you can do for them. Once you are hired, the employer can start to see what your true skills and capabilities you have besides what all you stated in the interview and on your resume'. A Credentials Portfolio (CP)shows them information they have never had before. Information like:
Now the hiring employers have more than they ever had to select the right person for the job. It is to each persons benefit to provide a CP with/on their resume' to show even more capabilities beyond what your resume' would ever show.
Q. I hear that some people with degrees also have problems finding a job. Is this true? A. Yes. It is hard to understand that even with a college education, it is a very daunting time trying to find a job. One of the main reasons is that the workforce believes that those job applicants would not be satisfied with the amount of income they would be making with that position. For a while they would be happy then after a few months, they would start looking else where for more income. This would leave the company back to square one having to go find another individual to hire and train. They would lose valuable time, effort and resources (training them). They do not want to take on that risk. So those employers state to college applicants, "You are over qualified!" Here is a recent article in one of our newspapers: This article is provided only to show you that everyone (degree and non-degree) have a similar problem, GETTING A JOB the want. I know many individuals that have a colleges degrees (bachelors, masters and even PhD's) that have placed no formal education on their resumes just to get a job. As long as those individuals never acted condescending in any way, they were a great fit for the organization. Résumé are nothing more but a piece of paper that holds no validity of the information on it. Yes they would have been fired if certain information was not correct but how many times have we seen that happen if that person still seems to be a good fit for the org. When it comes to higher paid positions, it is much easier for a degreed individual to attain that position that a non-degreed individual. Many non-degreed individuals do get the higher paying positions but they have to go through a lot more just to get it. (time and effort) For many HR specialist, they will deny that the degreed applicant issue is not true due to legality reasons. That is why we waited for someone in the public to write the truth in the newspaper. This does happen and will continue to happen until a new form of delivery/media is provided to HR obtaining more proof of that persons ability to perform a certain job or task. Our Credentials Portfolio provides HR the information they really require to make the proper decisions for the organization.
Q. What is a Credentials Portfolio? A. A document that should be sent to every employer you send a resume' to. The Credentials Portfolio (CP) contains critical information and images that portray your true skills and abilities. The document is also time stamped and authenticated to ensure that only the people with the right credentials are shown in the document. Resume's do not tell everything about a hiring applicant. The CP states more about the person and shows there TRUE abilities, not just stating it in an interview or writing it in a resume'. Employers are beginning to realize that more information is needed before properly selecting someone for any job. The CP is a MUST for all individuals seeking for find a job.
A. Hiring employers are becoming more and more wary of the information that is being placed on a resume' and stated in an interview. The big question that is in the back of each HR persons mind is, Is what they wrote(on their resume') and stated(in the interview) REALLY TRUE?! A CP will provide HR the needed firepower to answer many of these questions.
Q. Who pays for the cost of the CP? A. The development of a CP can be paid by anyone of two sources.
Q. Can't any person lie and copy certain credentials and have them placed into their Credentials Portfolio(CP)? A. Before this question is answered, I feel it is imperative that a question first be answered with a question.
Even if an applicant was required to take a lie detector test to get a job, it is possible for them to advantageously tweak the test (via the responses) to their benefit. It does not happen very often but it CAN happen. In today's society it is becoming more and more difficult just to get a job. Advantageous writing and comments will be made to ensure just getting the job for survival. It is a fact of life! No media today ensures 100% that the applicant provides what he/she states they can provide. Wouldn't it be nice if the standard job tools (resume's and interviews) were also submitted with additional data. Data that contains more pictorial(factual) information and dates where the employers can ask even more detailed questions about their experience and knowledge. The CP provides you that vehicle. The CP is the employers tool for the resume' (to see some of the experience and responsibilities given to him/her) and interview (where more job info can be asked). The CP will be (legally via a digital signature) signed by each job applicant stating their validity to the information contained within the CP. A digital signature will appear at the beginning like this example: This legal signature will help determine if they DID perform the tasks stated within their CP. From the job applicants responses the employer can determine if they are lying or not. Resume's and interviews have no legal control or recourse as does the CP! Q. Why do you say that RESUME's can be flawed?! A. Decades back, a resume' was something every business could use and trust. Then some job seekers started adding to their resume' to sound better to get the job. Those individuals started to shed light into the fact that a resume' can be tampered with very, very easily. It is not good but it is easy to do. In essence, those individuals basically brought to light a very big flaw in resume's. They can be tampered with easily. Now, a lot of job seekers embellish on their skills, abilities and jobs just to get the job. This information may or may not be true. Proof (by seeing or hearing) is closer to reality than just reading it on a resume'. Q. You stated that a job applicant can LEGALLY sign a CP. How? A. Yes, President Clinton back in 1999 signed a law that allowed a certain type of online signature be allowed to hold up in court ( new law, eLaw of 1999). This type of signature is called a "Digital Signature". Digital Signatures are as legal and valid as any hand-written signature used today.
TRUE Digital Signature are used prior to opening up and viewing our CPs. It is a requirement of our CPs. For any reason any of the content on the CP is incorrect (due to plagiarizing or lying), any organization can use the CP legally against them in a court of law, if willing to go to that expense. Here is the data that is contained within each Digital Signature. Standard bit-mapped copies of a persons signature does not nor cannot contain any of this information, even in a secure format. This secure information is contingent on the design of each system but may be contained as hidden data as part of the digital signature. Once any document is legally signed with this type of signature, the entire document is completely locked so that anyone that opens up the document can quickly and easily see if it is an original or a copy. This will be clearly stated so that anyone can quickly determine this status. Resume's and Interviews can not provide that level of legal protection to ensure authenticity. In this day and age, those two tools ONLY are becoming major issues for all organizations using them today.
Q. Could a CP be modified by anyone online? A. No. It can only be modified from the author. No outside source on the Internet can perform anything other than view it. You are seeing what was placed on the website by the CP owner.
Q. The Credentials Portfolio looks impressive but we only hired based on what degree or skills they have. Those credentials do not really tell me everything about that person. So why should I even consider using the CP and how? A. We agree with your assessment of the credentials. They do not say a lot about the subject job applicant. What it does tell us about that person is:
Q. Why does each job applicant and employee need a Credentials Portfolio? A. What you get today is:
Need to ask yourselves, "How much of this is 100% correct?! Let's be honest, Can not assume it is 100% correct! What you are missing:
A Credentials Portfolio will give you that information. This is information never attained in the history of business Can you imagine the amount of time and money you can save your org based on this information?! We have relied on résumé’s for many, many years. With the use of the Internet, we can gather more information about a person than ever before. Technology has come a long way. The way we hire individuals has not changed using the Internet as a major advantage for us. The use of a Credentials Portfolio will tell the hiring employers more about the person than just a resume’.
Q. How will a Credentials Portfolio (CP) be provided to the hiring company? A. The CP will be provided as a link from the job applicants resume’. From there the hiring employer can view the CP and attachments from there own computer. Here is an example of how that link within each resume': Actual Link Address is provided in case a printed out copy is given instead of an Internet copy. They can always go and enter in the name of the link above and see the Credentials Portfolio and assessments.
A. Although some employers would like to create a CP for each employee for proposal purposes, when it comes to applying for a job, we recommend that the job applicant have one created. He should either pay for it or have an agency pay as part of there resume’ services.
A. Every job applicant should have one created for there resume’. For businesses, they should have one created for each person they use as part of there proposals.
A. You do not have to open the CP if you feel that the job applicant does not meet certain criteria for the job. If that job applicant does meet those criteria, then viewing the CP can provide that additional information you need to make a more informative decision. Only if you open the CP, then a quick review of the information contained within it would be an additional 10 – 15 minutes. If you never need to open it, there will be no change whatsoever to your current job.
A. As stated within the web site, we have shown you how easy it is to make and write bad situations and add a positive spin to make them sound great. Even in Lie Detector testing, it is a proven fact that some individuals can positively affect the outcome. It is to make it more difficult for any person to make outlandish claims when it comes to their credentials and experience. With a CP, the interviewer can openly be allowed to ask questions of the job applicant because he/she provided the CP information. Now the interviewer has information he/she did not have before to ask the right questions. Based on the job applicants answers, the interviewer will have the necessary information to make a more informative decision than just a resume' and interview. Issue is that the CP and assessment WILL provide you information you never even had before. With the new found information, you definitely can make a better hiring selection than you did before.
Q. I am a college graduate. Do I need a Credentials Portfolio? A. Yes! Being a new graduate you have seen that you are on a double sided sword in your career. Employers really want to hire people that have some experience. On the other hand you just graduated. You have little to no experience in that field. Problem is now that you have the degree, how do you get ANY experience if someone does not give you a break?! A Credentials Portfolio (CP)takes information, documents, images and other information from some of your college projects and places them within the CP. Now the employer can view the level of complexity and the quality of your work you will perform for their company/org. All the employer wants is to reduce their chances of hiring someone and wasting money hiring the wrong person for any job. With a CP, you give the employer a better chance and reduce their odds of hiring you. Q. Who should pay to create a Credentials Portfolio (CP)? A. In almost all cases, the job applicant will pay for the creation and hosting of the CP. Some organizations can use a CP for proposal submittals making them even more of a favorite for increased business.
Q. How much does a Credentials portfolio cost? A. The cost for the creation of the CP is ~ $250 – 1,500 each*. It is dependent on the type of information and work required to produce it. Hosting the CP is $10/month*. For hiring agencies that places higher dollar positions (ex. executive placement firms), it is highly recommended that org/company pay for the creation and hosting of the CP. It is not recommended that any employer create a CP unless they use if for proposal purposes. This tactic will definitely increase there chances of getting certain contracts/projects.
A. They are provided as link addresses (to the Internet) from on the job applicants résumé’s, cover letters or some other means of written documentation to the hiring employer/executive.
Q. How long does it take to produce and Credentials Portfolio? A. It is dependent on the type of data the job applicant finds to place within their Credentials Portfolio (CP). If the data they provide is physical products (i.e. paper or pictures) and not digital media,then the delay to produce the CP is based on the mailing system. The average time to produce a thorough CP is anywhere from 2 -5 weeks. This is based entirely on the availability and responsiveness of the client for the CP.
Q. Should everyone have a Credentials Portfolio? A. Yes. Credentials Portfolios(CP) should be sent with every resume' to apply for any job. At this time, the cost to create a Credentials Portfolio is rather high for the average job applicant. That is why we highly recommend that executive placement firms and organizations creating proposals for work perform a CP for each job placement or proposed contract employees. With the cost of a CP coming down, it will be highly recommended that each job applicant have a CP created to be delivered with their resume'.
Q. Why is a Credential important for business? A. As shown in this web site, you can see that based on actual facts how easy it is to stretch the truth in a resume 'and interview. Believe or not, THIS DOES HAPPEN! The need for more factual proof of what that person brings to the table is very important due to the vast amount of resources & money on hiring an individual. Anyone can fool anyone if they are willing to go to those extremes. Issue is, Make It Harder than just requiring a resume' and interview. Require them to provide more PROOF of their credentials! For businesses to win projects more easily, they can provide a link within each resume' provided to the customers to ensure them that your employees are better skilled and equipped to do the job! This is very impressive and imperative to ensure your employees are capable and skilled to handle their task. This WILL be a definite requirement with every resume' in the very near future. Take the leap to make you sound more impressive and capable of performing their tasks.
Q. As part of a Credentials Portfolio(CP), what information do you review, who and why? A. It is dependent on the type of data the job applicant provides for the CP. We provide the job applicant or org a list of certain types of docs and images that should be provided. WHO? - Once the information is provided, we begin creating the CP for the client. A review of each credential is made by a PhD that can assess what that credential/task really means about that person. Here is an example:
The PhD review is to define some of these areas. WHY? - This is just one piece of information you would never see on any resume'. It says more about the the capabilities of the job applicant than what you would normally get otherwise.
Personal Assessment (and additional assessments) Questions Q. What is a Personal Assessment? A. Personal Assessments are nothing more but questions that are answered by you online. Each of your answers are assessed (by certified PhD's) to provide the hiring employers additional information about you and how you are. This type of information is invaluable to employers because it tells more about the person than just a resume' and interview. Each answers from each assessment can also be used during the interviewing stage to better help out the hiring employers. Some assessments even provide some questions (that are 100% legal) that a hiring employer can ask as part of an interview.
Q. Do we really need a Personal Assessment? A. Yes! Without this type of information (Personal Assessment review info) every hiring employer goes into an interview playing it blind. They ask open ended questions like: "Tell me about yourself?" or "How do you feel about................?" The information provided back to you for an interview makes it easy for you to hold any interview. Now, you will get straight-forward answers that will definitely make selecting a person for a job easier and more profitable for your org. (because they are good, stable employees that will stay awhile on the job versus floaters)
Q. Who pays for a Personal Assessment to be performed? A. Payment for an Assessment to be performed is normally performed by the hiring employers. There are times where a job applicant may want to have an assessment/s be performed where they can provide that information with their resume'. We do work directly with those individuals also.
Q. Why have personal assessment/s (and other assessments) for a each job applicant? A. These assessments provide hiring executives information on more than just resume’. It provides information about the job applicants’ personality, job ethics, moral issues and more. This is information you will not gain from any other document other than these assessments.
A. All these assessments will be taken online and the results will also be providing via the Internet also. The hiring executive can call the job applicant and request that certain assessments be taken for a possible interview. The job applicant will take the assessments at the leisure and notify the HR specialist that they are complete. The HR specialist can quickly view the results at there own desk when provided.
A. All assessments should be paid from the hiring employers. Reason is that the hiring employer will be provided the results via email once completed. The hiring employer can use the information as part of their hiring process.
A. No, only the job applicants that meet certain job criteria and you plan to possibly interview. This additional information can provide you even more pertinent interviewing questions to ask.
A. You do not subject every job applicant to take any assessments. That would be a financial and time consuming waste. What you do is ONLY subject they candidates you feel would be a worthy fit for the organization. Since the hiring employer has identified a possible candidate for a job, an assessment/s of that person is needed to provide the HR executive the additional information needed to make a more thorough and accurate decision. As part of these assessments, you will also be provided certain questions to be asked as part of an interview. Best of all: Each question asked in an assessment has been reviewed and assessed by our PhD's to gather much TRUE information about the job applicant. Any unusual or misinformation can be detected and document for your review.
Q. When we are trying to select the right person for the job, we do not know the perspective job applicants so performing an assessment will help us finding the right person for the job. How do we allocate an assessment specifically for the applicant? A. Your organization pays for for a bulk of assessments at one time never knowing a specific name for a subject to take an assessment. When your organization decides to have a person take an assessment, there is a process defined that resolves this problem. When your organizations does purchases multiple assessments (without allocating them at this time), this process will be covered in detail.
Q. As past of our organization, we strongly believe that an assessment for the possible hires are a very good thing for us too. Problem is that we review quite a few individuals each month. Last thing we want to do is spend money performing an assessment for each subject candidate for hire. How can we allocate certain assessment/tests for certain individual out of those hundreds? A. You do not subject every job applicant to take any assessments. Since the hiring employer has identified a possible candidate for a job, an assessment/s of that person is needed to provide the HR executive the additional information needed to make a more thorough and accurate decision. As part of these assessments, you will also be provided certain questions to be asked as part of an interview.
Q. Can we specify the types of assessments a prospective hiring candidate should take before we hire them? A. Yes. Each possible hiring candidate should only take certain assessments for that particular job position. The types of assessments should be determined by your internal operations.
Q. How does it take to produce a subject hire assessment? A. Subject Job Applicants are requested by the employer to take certain assessments. The subject hires will spend anywhere from 20 - 35 minutes of time to take all those assessments. The employers times are to quickly identify which assessments are required and then turn them on. Below are the additional times above the standard approach.The additional information gained from these assessments will give you the additional information you need to make a well informed selection beyond their standard resume' and interview. Added Times are:
Q. Who performs the assessment on a job applicant? A. We had PhD's that created the assessments and also perform an objective final assessment to provide you accurate results. An added benefit to each assessments is the additional questions provided for your interview questioning. These are required(and verified) to ensure you and your organization are protected from asking certain interview questions that are not 100% legal in a court of law.
Q. What is the cost of an assessment? A. The cost for each assessment vary depending on the type of assessment. Go to the following to see the rates:* Assessment Rates
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