

For Applicants:

Credential Portfolio Pricing


Sample Portfolio
Actual Reports





Recent Graduates

Graduates have a problem that most other applicants applying for a job do not have.

- Before college, many applicants worked in areas not relating to their degree or field.

- After graduation', they show little to no experience in their trained field.

Yes they maintained satisfactory GPA scores for the position.

Big Question:

- How do you gain job experience when the workforce is looking for an experienced person with that job experience?

- Since you have been in school, you have not had much time to gain any experience except to study hard.

- What do you do? Where do you run to? Do you do volunteer work just to gain some experience?

This is a double sided sword! This needs to be resolved in order for our new graduates not to be over-looked just because they opted to go to school versus being in the workforce.

The Credentials Portfolio resolves this issue. See below:


The Credentials Portfolio (CP) provides images and write ups of these areas.

In your CP, show:

- Your Written College Papers that displays your professionalism and writing style. These files are shown as links for job applicants to view. An example may be: Paper You Wrote

- Your college briefings that show how professional your work is. Briefings links are provided for employers to view. An example may be a Briefing you gave.

- Your college projects: Shows how complex your work is. The pride you place in your work and the quality of work you perform. Your papers, images of your projects, results from the project are linked to provide viewing for the employers. An example may be some parts of a project: ie. Products of a Project or Software Written

The CP provides these all these images, write-ups and pertinent information that can be used to determine if that applicant has accrued certain or transferable skills and abilities to perform their needed tasks for the open job position. See an example CP above in the sample portfolio view above.

If you were looking to provide even more information to your possible hiring candidates beyond what CP provides, we highly recommend you perform a Personal Applicant and Employee Assessment for your resume'. We will keep the Assessment in our files for your inclusion into your resume'. In order for the employers to know that there has been no tampering to your Personal Assessment (and what it provides), we will not provide it to anyone without your consent.

With a CP and a personal assessment, HR specialists can make an even more informative decision on the selecting the right person for the job. Hence, saving your organization THOUSANDS of dollars and time previously wasted.

No more relying strictly on only a small resume' and interview anymore.


The cost to develop a CP is minimal in comparison to increasing your chances in getting the job you really want. Before, it was hard to even compete.


  • For many new graduates, you could not even compete for a job due to lack of experience.
  • With a CP, You NOW have a Fighting Chance to get the job!

Start Today having your Credentials Portfolio developed.

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